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Via Ferrata | Klettersteig # Schlegeis 131 (feráta po přehradě)

Velikost písma: A A A Tisk Autor: Jan Veselý
přehrada Schlegeisspeicher
Obtížnost: A/B
Zajímavost: Interest: 4/5
Pro děti: ano
Délka trasy: 0.84km
Nadm. výška:
Nadm. výška:

Cestu ještě nikdo nenavštívil


Parkování: Až za tunelem je parkoviště u přehrady.

Pozor: Silnice k přehradě je placená. Ceny najdete ZDE

Popis přístupu:

Z parkoviště u přehrady vede značená cesta od koruny přehrady k její patě. Tam se nalézá nástup.

Délka lana: 300m
Výškový rozdíl: 131 m (výška přehrady)
Děti od: 12 let (odolnost vůči výšce)

Popis cesty:

Tato jedinečná feráta nevede po skále, nýbrž přímo po stěně přehrady.
Co je na tom jiného? Není zde k dispozici žádná skála nebo strom abyste se ho chytli. Lezecký zážitek je tím pádem úplně jiný. Ve vaší blízkosti není nic jiného než betonová stěna. Můžete si vyzkoušet, jak se musel cítit James Bond, když lezl ve filmu Zlaté oko po přehradě.

Feráta je z počátku lehce položená, uprostřed kolmá a poslední dva metry se skloní lehoučce na vás.

Odolnost vůči výšce je základním předpokladem k vylezení této feráty. k oddechnutí jsou ve stěně zabudovány dvě plošiny. Pro ty kteří si chtějí užít výstup přímo nahoru je zde i varianta C.

Poznámka autora:
Nejprve jsem to považoval za opičárnu, která slouží k přilákání turistů. Nakonec jsem byl ale rád, že jsem se synem (12 let) přehradu vylezl. Přeci jen to byl docela silný zážitek.

Materiál a stavba feráty e stejná jako u jiných ferát = lano a mnoho kramlí navrtaných do stěny.

Popis sestupu:

Vylezete na koruně přehrady a pak rovnou k autu na parkovišti.


Kompletní vybavení na feráty.

Čas přístupu k cestě:

15 min

Čas výstupu:

1 hod

Čas sestupu:

10 min

Nejlepší období:

jaro, léto, podzim

Čísla map:

Kompass č.37 Zillertal a Tuxer Alpen Alpenverein č. 35/1 Zillertal West

Autor tuto trasu navštívil naposledy:


Další informace o trase:

Nastoupáno výškových metrů:
Zklesáno výškových metrů:

Plánovač tras by Google:

Máte další informace k této trase? Nenechávejte si jej pro sebe, napište nám a my informace doplníme. Kontaktovat nás můžete zde.


Komentáře k této trase

ali chaar
před 9 měsíci

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We use high quality equipment and materials to produce authentic and counterfeit documents.All secret features of real passports are carefully duplicated for our Registered and unregistered documents.we are unique producer of quality false and Real documents.We offer only original high-quality Registered and unregistered passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, stamps, Visa, school Diplomas and other products for a number of countries like: USA, Australia,Bel­gium,Brazil, Canada, Italian,Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa,Spain, United Kingdom and worldwide.

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juan simao
před 10 měsíci

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We use high quality equipment and materials to produce authentic and counterfeit documents.All secret features of real passports are carefully duplicated for our Registered and unregistered documents.we are unique producer of quality false and Real documents.We offer only original high-quality Registered and unregistered passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, stamps, Visa, school Diplomas and other products for a number of countries like: USA, Australia,Bel­gium,Brazil, Canada, Italian,Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa,Spain, United Kingdom and worldwide.   contact email......(( info@documentscenterofficials.com:)))General)whatsap­p............((( +447405­713340   )))We offer high quality counterfeit bills for the following currencies; EUR – Euro USD – US Dollar GBP – British Pound INR – Indian Rupee AUD – Australian Dollar CAD – Canadian Dollar AED – Emirati Dirham ZAR – Rand CHF – Swiss Franc CNY – Chinese Yuan Renminbi MYR – Malaysian Ringgit THB – Thai Baht




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Registered and unregistered passport of all countries.visas,bi­ometric passport,degre­es,drivers license,I.D cards.Training certificates M GCSE, A-levels, High School Diploma Certificates ,GMAT, MCAT, and LSAT Examination Certificates , Novelty Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates , Novelty Passports and New Identity Packages ,Replicated, False Degrees/Diplomas from most post-secondary institutions from around the world (we have over 3000 templates on file) all designed to look 100% identical to the original.Custom Printing (if we do not already have the template on file – simply email us a copy and we can make any alterations/mo­difications as per your directions).second, citizenship,i­dentity, identification, documents, diplomatic,na­tionality, how to, where to, get, obtain, buy, purchase, make,build, a, passport, i.d,British, Honduras, UK, USA, us, u.s.,Canada, Canadian,foreign, visa, Swiss, card,ids, document, (((( info@documentscenterofficials.com)))))

juan simao
před 10 měsíci

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Wir versicher n unseren Kunden, dass sie ihre Dokumente in kurzer Zeit erstellen undliefern. Beachten Sie, dass das tatsächliche Dokument im Datenbanksystem des Landes registriert ist, sodass Sie problemlos in ein Land Ihrer Wahl reisen können. Unsere Dokumente verfügen über alle Sicherheitsfun­ktionen, z. B.: Gescannte IDs – HOLOGRAMM-BAR-CODES-UV- Und wir bieten unseren Kunden eine SCHNELLE und Expresszustellung. Um zu bestellen, können Sie unsere Website besuchen oder Ihre Fragen an unsere E-Mail oder WhatsApp senden Skype ID :::::(( good melin)) E-Mail :::::::::: (((info@documentscenterofficials.com:))) WhatsApp ............. (((+447405713340))) Kontaktieren Sie uns für Dokumente aus den folgenden Ländern USA (ALLE LÄNDER) DEUTSCHLANDGroßes Großbritannien KANADANETHERLANDS LÄNDEREUROPÄASIEN usw. Wir verkaufen auch FAKE BANK NOTES, FAKE EUROSFake USDFAKE UK POUNDS, ETC Kontakt E-Mail ....... ((info@documentscenterofficials.com:)) Kaufen Sie echte registrierte EU-Pässe. 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Registrierte Dokumente mit hoher Qualität. FAHRERLIZENZ, GEBURT, VISA-PASS UND VIELE ANDERE DOKUMENTE … Skype ID ::::: ((good melin)) E-Mail :::::::::: ((info@documentscenterofficials.com:)) WhatsApp ............. (((+447405713340)))

před 10 měsíci


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juan simao
před 10 měsíci

Kaufen Sie einen EU / UK / USA / Deutsch & Kanada echten Reisepass, Führerschein, Personalausweis   FakePassports  oepassen Kaufen Sie einen echten Pass. WhatsApp (((+447405713340)) ID Card-Führerschein Kontakt.   Kaufen Sie einen echten und gefälschten Reisepass, einen Führerschein, ein Visum, eine Aufenthaltser­laubnis, einen Personalausweis, eine Arbeitserlaubnis, eine Staatsbürgerschaft. Wir erstellen einen Originalpass, einen Führerschein, einen Personalausweis, ein Visum, eine Green Card, eine Aufenthaltser­laubnis für Briefmarken und andere Dokumente für die folgenden Länder: Australien, Belgien , Brasilien, Finnland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Großbritannien, USA, Kanada und viele mehr. Wir bieten Ihnen einen der besten Dienstleistungen der Welt. Die meisten Kunden haben unseren wahren und exzellenten Service erlebt. Wir garantiere n 100% legitim. Wir versicher n unseren Kunden, dass sie ihre Dokumente in kurzer Zeit erstellen undliefern. Beachten Sie, dass das tatsächliche Dokument im Datenbanksystem des Landes registriert ist, sodass Sie problemlos in ein Land Ihrer Wahl reisen können. Unsere Dokumente verfügen über alle Sicherheitsfun­ktionen, z. B.: Gescannte IDs – HOLOGRAMM-BAR-CODES-UV- Und wir bieten unseren Kunden eine SCHNELLE und Expresszustellung. Um zu bestellen, können Sie unsere Website besuchen oder Ihre Fragen an unsere E-Mail oder WhatsApp senden Skype ID :::::(( good melin)) E-Mail :::::::::: (((info@documentscenterofficials.com:))) WhatsApp ............. (((+447405713340))) Kontaktieren Sie uns für Dokumente aus den folgenden Ländern USA (ALLE LÄNDER) DEUTSCHLANDGroßes Großbritannien KANADANETHERLANDS LÄNDEREUROPÄASIEN usw. Wir verkaufen auch FAKE BANK NOTES, FAKE EUROSFake USDFAKE UK POUNDS, ETC Kontakt E-Mail ....... ((info@documentscenterofficials.com:)) Kaufen Sie echte registrierte EU-Pässe. 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Legit Dutch (Holland / Niederlande) Führerscheine, Real Estate German (Deutschland) Führerscheine, Sale Real UK (Großbritannien) Führerscheine, Kauf von echten Diplomatenpässen­Verkaufen Sie echte USA (USA) Pässe, Kaufen Sie echte australische Pässe, Bu y Belgien Pässe, Kaufen Sie echte brasilianische (Brasilien) Pässe, Verkaufen Sie echte kanadische (Kanada) Pässe, Kaufen Sie echte registrierte USA-Pässe – kaufen Sie Pässe – Kaufen Sie echte und gefälschte Pässe online – Kaufen Sie echte Pässe online, – Kaufen Sie einen echten registrierten Führerschein online- Kaufen Sie einen echten und gefälschten Führerschein – Kaufen Sie hochwertige EU-Pässe, – Kaufen Sie echte und gefälschte Ausweise online – Kaufen Sie echte und gefälschte Führerscheine online, – Kaufen Sie echte / gefälschte Aufenthaltsge­nehmigungen online – Kaufen Sie echte Visa online – Beantragen Sie die Staatsbürgerschaft Skype ID :::::(( good melin)) E-Mail :::::::::: (((info@documentscenterofficials.com:))) WhatsApp ............. (((+447405713340))) Kaufen Sie einen gefälschten Reisepass. Kaufen Sie einen gefälschten Personalausweis. Kaufen Sie einen gefälschten Lizenzkauf  Kaufen Sie einen echten und falschen Reisepass. Kaufen Sie einen echten und einen falschen Führerschein. Kaufen Sie einen echten und falschen Personalausweis. Kaufen Sie eine echte registrierte Staatsbürgerschaft. Kaufen Sie echte und gefälschte Dokumente Skype ID ::::: daemons.documen­t Wirklich registrierter Reisepass Kaufen Sie einen echten registrierten Personalausweis. Kaufen Sie einen echten registrierten Führerschein. Meine Kontakte sind private Ermittler, Einwanderungsbehörden, Konsuln, Diplomaten, persönliche Beamte und erfahrene Experten. Ich habe ein starkes Engagement für Wachstum in allen Bereichen von Personalausweis, Reisepass und Personalausweis. Führerschein und andere Dokumente. Alle Kunden, die das Staatsbürgerschaf­tsdokument aus allen Ländern benötigen, sind zu 100% versichert und garantieren eine echte Datenbank. Registrierte Dokumente mit hoher Qualität. FAHRERLIZENZ, GEBURT, VISA-PASS UND VIELE ANDERE DOKUMENTE … Skype ID ::::: ((good melin)) E-Mail :::::::::: ((info@documentscenterofficials.com:)) WhatsApp ............. (((+447405713340)))

juan simao
před 10 měsíci

Registered and unregistered passport, id cards ,drivers license WhatsApp:

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CustomerSupor­t::::::::: documentscente­rofficials.com Whatsapp ...... + 447405713340 W­hatsapp ...... + 447405713340 BUY FAKE REAL PASSPORT DRIVING LICENSE ID CARD VISA SSNWe have years of experience producing original quality real/false passports= , ID's, drivers licenses and many other identity documents, really cheap fo= r countries such as ; Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Spain, Sw= eden, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France,= Germany, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, e.t.c. Passports with chip for the following countries are also available for : Au= stralia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerl= and, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, e.t.c. We can also produce documents such as work permit, for UK, USA, Italy just = to name a few. Y I offer a service to help you through to meet your goals, we can help you with: •Getting real government issued ID under another identity(NEW NAMES), •A new social security number (verifiable with the SSA), •Checking and saving accounts for your new ID. •Credit cards •Relocation •Passports, Diplomatic passports,novelty passports. •Production and obtaining new identification documents. •We also do work permit and bank statements and have connections to OFFER JOBS in country like Dubai, USA , CANADA , UK ,china,Peru,Bra­zil,south Africa,Denmar­k,Sweden,Norwa­y,France etc.. •Tourist and business visa services available to residents of all 50 states and all nationalities Worldwide •Taiwan and China High Quality Fake money in all currencies, bogus bills, counterfeit U.S. currency in $20s, $50s and $100s, High quality Fake Money for sale. •INTERESTED TO BUY REAL GENUINE QUALITY BANKNOTES of Euros, Dollars and Pounds with security feature magnetic ink, watermark, the pen test, and the security ***** that bypass machines.Our hundreds carry “color-shifting ink,” an advanced feature that gives the money an appearance of changing color when held at different angles including Intaglio. All Inquiries; Registered and Unregistered USA,Canadian Documents at: info@documentscenterofficials.com: )

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ali chaar
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Buy Fake and Real passport id cards drivers license  WhatsApp: (((   +162651­40391    ))Web­sit;;;; https://documentscenterofficials.com Buy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAT Buy Registered Passports,Drivers license,IELTS & TOEFL, ESOL Certificates W= ithout Attending The Exam BUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,UaS GREEN CARD BUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARD Buy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS We deal and specialize in helping you to get registered TOEFL, IELTS, IDP, = ESOL, GMAT CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS & other English Language Certifica= tes. We produce TOEFL & IELTS, ESOL, and CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS Engl= ish Language for you with ease. Contact Email ....... alldocumentsvendor@gmail.com  Website::::::https://documentscenterofficials.com Whatsapp ......   +1626514­0391 BUY FAKE REAL PASSPORT DRIVING LICENSE ID CARD VISA SSN We have years of experience producing original quality real/false passports= , ID's, drivers licenses and many other identity documents, really cheap fo= r countries such as ; Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Spain, Sw= eden, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France,= Germany, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, e.t.c. Passports with chip for the following countries are also available for : Au= stralia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerl= and, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, e.t.c. We can also produce documents such as work permit, for UK, USA, Italy just = to name a few. You can contact us directly to get the additional information and place the= order through the bellow address.. Registered and unregistered passport of all countries.visas,bi­ometric passp= ort, degrees,drivers license,I.D cards.Training certificates M GCSE, A-leve= ls, High School Diploma Certificates ,GMAT, MCAT, and LSAT Examination Cert= ificates , Novelty Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates , Novelty Passpo= rts and New Identity Packages , Replicated, False Degrees/Diplomas from mos= t post-secondary institutions from around the world (we have over 3000 temp= lates on file) all designed to look 100% identical to the original.Custom P= rinting (if we do not already have the template on file – simply email us a= copy and we can make any alterations/mo­difications as per your directions)= ..second, citizenship, identity, identification, documents, diplomatic,natio= nality, how to, where to, get, obtain, buy, purchase, make,build, a, passpo= rt, i.d,British, Honduras, UK, USA, us, u.s.,Canada, Canadian, foreign, vis= a, Swiss, card, ids, document, getting,visas, cards, foreign.

Contact Email ....... alldocumentsvendor@gmail.com   Whatsapp ......   +1626514­0391 Website :::::::https://documentscenterofficials.com

ali chaar
před rokem

Registered and unregistered passport, id cards ,drivers license WhatsApp:   +1626514039­1Website::::::https://documentscenterofficials.com Buy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAT Buy Registered Passports,Drivers license,IELTS & TOEFL, ESOL Certificates Without Attending The ExamBUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARD BUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARDBuy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS We deal and specialize in helping you to get registered TOEFL, IELTS, IDP, = ESOL, GMAT CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS & other English Language Certifica= tes. We produce TOEFL & IELTS, ESOL, and CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS Engl= ish Language for you with ease. Contact Email .......colton­.kayden@yahoo­.comWebsite:::::::::https://documentscenterofficials.com Whatsapp ......  +16265140­391 Whatsapp ......  +16265140­391 BUY FAKE REAL PASSPORT DRIVING LICENSE ID CARD VISA SSNWe have years of experience producing original quality real/false passports= , ID's, drivers licenses and many other identity documents, really cheap fo= r countries such as ; Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Spain, Sw= eden, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France,= Germany, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, e.t.c. Passports with chip for the following countries are also available for : Au= stralia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerl= and, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, e.t.c. We can also produce documents such as work permit, for UK, USA, Italy just = to name a few. Y I offer a service to help you through to meet your goals, we can help you with: •Getting real government issued ID under another identity(NEW NAMES), •A new social security number (verifiable with the SSA), •Checking and saving accounts for your new ID. •Credit cards •Relocation •Passports, Diplomatic passports,novelty passports. •Production and obtaining new identification documents. •We also do work permit and bank statements and have connections to OFFER JOBS in country like Dubai, USA , CANADA , UK ,china,Peru,Bra­zil,south Africa,Denmar­k,Sweden,Norwa­y,France etc.. •Tourist and business visa services available to residents of all 50 states and all nationalities Worldwide •Taiwan and China High Quality Fake money in all currencies, bogus bills, counterfeit U.S. currency in $20s, $50s and $100s, High quality Fake Money for sale. •INTERESTED TO BUY REAL GENUINE QUALITY BANKNOTES of Euros, Dollars and Pounds with security feature magnetic ink, watermark, the pen test, and the security ***** that bypass machines.Our hundreds carry “color-shifting ink,” an advanced feature that gives the money an appearance of changing color when held at different angles including Intaglio. •FAKE BANK NOTE US BILLS: most recent design 1,‚s, 5, 10‘s, 20's, 100's $ NEW DESIGN DOLLARS “super-note” counterfeits.All above features help give U.S. currency a certain tactile feel, and it is rare to find that level of quality in fake bills only here you get this dream quality which makes you millionaire overnight. •Cing services available… Not even an expertise custom official or machine can ever dictate the document we offer as fake, since the document is no different from Real government issued! All Inquiries; Registered and Unregistered USA,Canadian Documents at: colton.kayden@yahoo.com ) Registered and Unregistered UK, entire Europe, Asia , Africa, Australian Documents at: ( colton.kayden@yahoo.com) Real Counterfeit Money(Taiwan and China First Grade) at: colton.kayden@yahoo.com)

whatsapp.....­.......(((  +16265­140391 )))con­tact email......((( colton.kayden@yahoo.comWebsite::::::    https://documentscenterofficials.com E-Mail Your Questions and Comments.We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries and early receipt of your first orders! Yours Faithfully,

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ali chaar
před rokem

Registered and unregistered passport, id cards ,drivers license WhatsApp:  +1 214 699 8­395 Buy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAT Buy Registered Passports,Drivers license,IELTS & TOEFL, ESOL Certificates Without Attending The ExamBUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARD BUY PASSPORTS,DRIVERS LICENSES,ID CARDS,BIRTH CERTIFICATES,VI­SAS,SSN,MARRI­A= GE CERTIFICATES,DI­VORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARDBuy IELTS, IDP TOEFL, GMAT, ESOL, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS We deal and specialize in helping you to get registered TOEFL, IELTS, IDP, = ESOL, GMAT CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS & other English Language Certifica= tes. We produce TOEFL & IELTS, ESOL, and CELTA/DELTA, DEGREE, DIPLOMAS Engl= ish Language for you with ease. Contact Email .......colton­.kayden@yahoo­.com Whatsapp ...... + 1 214 699 839­5 Whatsapp ...... + 1 214 699 8395 BUY FAKE REAL PASSPORT DRIVING LICENSE ID CARD VISA SSNWe have years of experience producing original quality real/false passports= , ID's, drivers licenses and many other identity documents, really cheap fo= r countries such as ; Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Spain, Sw= eden, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France,= Germany, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, e.t.c. Passports with chip for the following countries are also available for : Au= stralia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerl= and, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, e.t.c. We can also produce documents such as work permit, for UK, USA, Italy just = to name a few. Y I offer a service to help you through to meet your goals, we can help you with: •Getting real government issued ID under another identity(NEW NAMES), •A new social security number (verifiable with the SSA), •Checking and saving accounts for your new ID. •Credit cards •Relocation •Passports, Diplomatic passports,novelty passports. •Production and obtaining new identification documents. •We also do work permit and bank statements and have connections to OFFER JOBS in country like Dubai, USA , CANADA , UK ,china,Peru,Bra­zil,south Africa,Denmar­k,Sweden,Norwa­y,France etc.. •Tourist and business visa services available to residents of all 50 states and all nationalities Worldwide •Taiwan and China High Quality Fake money in all currencies, bogus bills, counterfeit U.S. currency in $20s, $50s and $100s, High quality Fake Money for sale. •INTERESTED TO BUY REAL GENUINE QUALITY BANKNOTES of Euros, Dollars and Pounds with security feature magnetic ink, watermark, the pen test, and the security ***** that bypass machines.Our hundreds carry “color-shifting ink,” an advanced feature that gives the money an appearance of changing color when held at different angles including Intaglio. •FAKE BANK NOTE US BILLS: most recent design 1,‚s, 5, 10‘s, 20's, 100's $ NEW DESIGN DOLLARS “super-note” counterfeits.All above features help give U.S. currency a certain tactile feel, and it is rare to find that level of quality in fake bills only here you get this dream quality which makes you millionaire overnight. •Cing services available… Not even an expertise custom official or machine can ever dictate the document we offer as fake, since the document is no different from Real government issued! All Inquiries; Registered and Unregistered USA,Canadian Documents at: colton.kayden@yahoo.com ) Registered and Unregistered UK, entire Europe, Asia , Africa, Australian Documents at: ( colton.kayden@yahoo.com) Real Counterfeit Money(Taiwan and China First Grade) at: colton.kayden@yahoo.com)

whatsapp.....­.......((( +1 214 699 8395 ))) contact email......((( colton.kayden@yahoo.com))) E-Mail Your Questions and Comments.We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries and early receipt of your first orders! Yours Faithfully,

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